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The New URWERK EMC Time Hunter Replica Watch

When talking URWERK, we immediately have in mind bold, mechanical watches with a unusual display composed of satellites and jumping hands. It’s a brand that has to be experienced to be fully understood. Replica watches at URWERK are not made for a large audience, because their design and display are just out of this world. However, URWERK replica watch is not only about this.

The URWERK EMC Time Hunter best replica watch is part of a rare category of watches: hybrids. Just like an hybrid car, it mixes electricity and mechanics to make it more user friendly. Just like an hybrid car, an hybrid swiss replica watches replica watch uses the benefits of electricity or electronic to make the technical parts more accurate, more precise and more reliable.

The URWERK EMC Time Hunter replica watch isn’t just a functionality update of the older EMC. The brand also decided to update the look. This is mainly a face-lift, as the shape of case remains the same as the previous editions. While the 1st version featured 4 small sub-dials, with separated indications of the time, of the seconds, of the power reserve and of the precision, this new “Time Hunter” feels a bit more classica.
This new design of the URWERK EMC Time Hunter replica watch might be seen as less bold than the previous one but on the other hand, the first EMC was maybe going too far for some. This “Time Hunter”replica watch is possibly the good blend between the DNA of URWERK, a strong and recognizable design that is bold enough to stand out of the crowd and finally a decent daily wearability and legibility of the indications. Of course, considering its unique shape, the special strap attachment system and the overall look – almost military, highly toolish – this URWERK EMC Time Hunter replica watch isn’t a standard object.

The URWERK EMC Time Hunter replica watch exists in 2 editions, one in raw titanium and steel, with bead-blasted surfaces, a black dial with yellow indexes and a fabric black strap; one in titanium and steel, coated with military green ceramic and mounted on a fabric black strap.